Transparency is more than just having information available. It’s about being able to understand it, as well. It’s about getting that information into the hands of the people. Therefore, transparency isn’t simply a set-it-and-forget aspect of government, it’s an ongoing commitment.
While Huber Heights does have good access to information, the City could do more. For instance, the public meeting videos could be cross-posted to YouTube and Facebook.
Similarly, while the financial transparency portal offers a wealth of information, that information can be difficult to digest.
Often, the citizens of Huber Heights do not feel like their voice is heard.
While going door-to-door collecting signatures to get on the ballot, Joe heard all sorts of questions. Two that resonated with him are What do you stand for? and What is your plan?
Joe stands for neighbors helping neighbors and people helping people.
Joe’s plan is simple: listen! Get feedback from the community - not only through regular public input at council meetings, but also through regular interactions with the citizens. After all, Huber Heights isn’t just Joe’s city - it’s yours.